Street Car Nationals ®
Sunday March. 10, 2019
at Odaiba,Tokyo Aomi Parking N.O.P Area
- SCN2019 Report & Gallery Menu
今年も Car Show は 1,200台、Swap Meet は145件と例年通り会場パンパンの状態での開催となりました。昨年大変ご迷惑をおかけした搬入は、エントリーの皆様のご協力のおかげで、大きなトラブルも無くスムーズな搬入を行う事ができ、さらにここ数年問題になっていた会場周辺の暴走行為に関しては、終日全くそういった行為はなく Shizuka な一日となりました。ご来場頂いた方もルールを守ってくださり、搬出時も会場内での見学を徹底してくださり、大変感謝しております。
開催直前に Information したのにも関わらず、情報の拡散を多くの方が Instagram や Facebook などの SNSや直接お友達に口頭でお話してくださったおかげです。ありがとうございました。
Due to the situation with the venue, On March 10th(Sun), 2019 slightly early than usual, 33rd Annual MOONEYES Street Car Nationals was held at Odaiba, Tokyo. The weather forecast was rain in the beginning but, everyone's feeling got together and just before the event it changed to sunny, and we were able to have an enjoyable day in the comfortable Good Weather.
This year there were 1,200 Car Show, 145 Swap Meet and as the current year's venue was full with the Car Show and Swap Meet. For the move-in we had trouble last year, with everyone's cooperation, we did not have big trouble and had smooth move-in. And the recent problem about the dangerous action around the venue, we did not have any act like that and had a Shizuka day. Everyone who came kept the rules and watched the move-out in the venue so, we really appreciate it.
In spite that we announce our notice just before the event, we really thanks to many many people spreading the information on SNS such as Instagram and Facebook and talking directly to your friends. Thank you very much.
At the MOONEYES Booth, 1961 Buick Le Sabre "MQQN Blessing" which debut in last year's YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was re-painted for today and displayed! If you were not able to come to the venue, it is now exhibited in the back of MOONEYES Area-1, MOON GARAGE so, if you have time, please come and visit Honmoku Yokohama MOONEYES Area-1. It is also scheduled to display at other Event so, please look forward!
Special Thanks
Blues Mobile
GM Auto Upholstery
Sugi Sack Studios
Event limited T-shirt and Event Poster was sold at MOONEYES Booth. There were many New Items displayed and sold. The regular item can is available at MOONEYES Area-1 and Online Ship so, please check our website!
For this year's Award, there is 7awards from MOONEYES, 15awards from the magazine companies and a total of 22awards. Each of the winners had the characteristics of each magazine companies and the award ceremony was fun to exciting to watch, Congratulations to the Award winners!
Award 一覧は以下になります。
Award List is below.
Every year at SCN, Award winner of last year's HCS is displayed. It was worthwhile to see these cars, as all the cars are in the high-quality level Show Car. It is CQQL to see it indoor, but you can also amaze by seeing it outdoor.
20 pinstriped has gathered for this year's SCN. It was one of the popular area and the artist showed their skill and created wonderful works.
After the Award, YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019 campaign sticker "SAVE THE YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW" sticker was distributed. This year's HCS2019 is decided to hold at Pacifico Yokohama. As the details are decided we will update the information on the Official Website, so, don't miss it!
" Keep Calm and Stay Cool" - "Shi Zu Kani"
ショー当日だけでなく、搬入、搬出の際も "Shi Zu Kani" でお願いします。
28th HCS 2019 Campaign is "Shi Zu Kani" again.
Please support us again and cooperate together.
Not only the day of the show, please be "Shi Zu Kani" during the carrying in/out.
HCS2019 今年の Official Hashtag は
#hcs2019, #shizukani, #keepcalmandstaycool #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
SCN2019 Report はまだまだ続きます。 MOONEYES STAFF がエントリーされた車両を一台一台頑張って撮影してきました。撮影のタイミングで漏れてしまっている車両もございます。予めご了承ください。
HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW の開催が危ぶまれた時もそうでしたが、今回のSCNも皆様がこのカルチャーを大切にしたいという熱い思いをとても感じました。次回の SCN 開催はまだ未定ですが、この熱い思いをしっかり受け止め、来年またどこかで開催できる事をご報告できるように尽力致します。エントリーの皆様、ご来場の皆様、情報を拡散してくださった皆様ありがとうございました。
まだまだ Event Report は続きます!
Please support us to spread this information!
SCN2019 Report continues. We also have MOONEYES STAFF's registered car. Please note that due to the timing of photographing some car might be missed out.
Like when HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was in the risk to be held, we really felt that everyone has a passion to cherish this culture again this time. Next SCN is not decided but, we will receive this passion and try to announce if we can hold it in next year at some place.
Event Report is not finished!
- SCN2019 Report & Gallery Menu